Thursday, June 13, 2013


Yesterday called for a halt to my hamster-wheel of life.  The boys and I stayed in our PJ's all day and I never got into my car.  Let me say that again, I never got into my car.  I haven't had a day like that in 13 months and that's when I had the flu.

Thankfully, no one was really sick.  Just uncomfortable.  We stayed home to clear up an issue with J1 as a result of the sudden gluten free no-fiber diet.  So we needed to be home and close to a bathroom.

We had a lovely day.  Things weren't bad for J1 so we played outside, we played on the Wii, we watched TV, the boys created a picnic surrounded by all their stuffed animals.  I baked bread, cookies, and brownies.  The laundry was done, the house was picked up and clean.  By 2 or 3 pm I started circling around the house thinking I was missing something vital that needed to get done.  There is always something that needs doing.

Hmm... so I picked up a book.  Shocker.

What I was struck with was the peace of the day.  I had to toss the boys in time-out once and it was not for fighting but for playing well together.  Unfortunately, they were playing on the stairs and I had already told them to stop.  It was a rare day.  A day where we didn't go somewhere.  A day all of us were healthy.  A day we all got along.

I miss days like that.  There used to be so many of them.  Days we stayed home and played.  Not the crazy over scheduled running from one activity to doctor to speech to therapy to OT to games to party to whatever.  It's a hamster wheel of life we run and we don't get anywhere but it is where we are right now.  I try to embrace it.  I know it won't last forever.  But it's hard and we are all tired and we all could use a break. 

So, sometimes life calls a halt to the hamster wheel.  It is always inconvenient.  I had to cancel a day of events I had to miss a day of work, J1 missed something fun at school.  But all it all.  It had the makings of a "staycation" and I can really get behind that. 


Jeff's Wife

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